Call for Submission
(Her)oic will to be published by Pact Press. (Regal House Publishing).

We welcome submissions from women writers across the country (US).
The purpose of this anthology is to explore the impact of COVID-19 on women in America. The anthology will record and share diverse perspectives, highlight how COVID-19 impacts women across the country differently, and offer compelling stories for leaders to consider in planning for our collective future.
Submission Details
Essays related to the following themes are encouraged, however, all themes will be considered:
Life at home
Financial stress
Medical workers
Essential Services workers
Health care and access
Mental health
Legal issues (Immigrant, Prisoner, Rights, etc.)
We encourage thought leaders to submit essays on the process of forging a path forward for women, and/or pitch us their ideas for a forward to the anthology.
Despite the difficult subject matter, the essays do not need to be dark.We are looking to receive stories of struggle, but also of resilience, endurance, humor, reclusiveness and even joy. We are optimistic the anthology will demonstrate that tragedy and triumph are not exclusive classifications but rather ends of a spectrum, on which most of us are traversing from one side to another daily. In short, we want a deep unearthing of the experiences of those impacted by the pandemic—whether it be directly, as a lived experience of COVID-19, or one of the many side effects of COVID-19—financial hardship, birth of a new child without grandparents present, the losing or finding of love online, the despair of isolation, or the joy of connection.
While probably nobody wants to read another essay about fighting over toilet paper, we might want to hear from the women who are ringing up or delivering the toilet paper. While we know that the experience of being a mother with small children in the house is challenging for all—and sometimes wonderful—we want to hear how it’s particularly so in your house-hold. Are you raising a special needs child, trying to cajole a depressed teenager out of their room, or grieving the loss of your own parent as you care for little ones? Give us the nitty gritty details, the moments when you broke, the times when you cheered your own ingenuity, the fear you lived with, the fear you faced.
We highly encourage submissions from writers from every area of the country, urban and rural, as well as different socio-economic, age, and cultural groups.
We are planning a podcast and short theater piece to support and promote the anthology. This is an excellent exposure opportunity. While we cannot guarantee payment at this time, significant efforts are underway to raise funds to offer every writer a modest honorarium. Acceptance of your piece in the anthology means your work may be included as a monologue in the theatre component.
● This call is for personal essays from female-identifying, trans and non-binary persons
● Essays may be previously published so long as the author retains the rights to the essay. Please specify this in your submission.
● A Submission fee is $5.00. This fee will be used to offset a small part of the expenses. If this fee presents a significant barrier to your submitting, please email us. [email protected].
● Your essay should not be longer than 2500 words, however, we reserve the right to make exceptions. We encourage shorter pieces and even non-traditional forms.
● Submissions from writers whose primary language is not English are encouraged, however, those essays must be submitted in English.
● All contributors whose essays are published will receive a free copy of the published anthology.
● Each author may submit one entry only.
● A short bio (50-word max) of the writer is required.
● Work must be in Microsoft Word or RTF, double-spaced, 12-point font. We would be grateful if you used Times New Roman, and follow the Chicago Manual of Style if you are familiar with it.
● Submit your best work. We will be doing light editing as necessary to fit our own and the publisher’s standards. Contributors should be ready to revise their drafts to editor’s satisfaction.
● Please include your contact information, including your name, snail mail address, phone number, e-mail, title(s) of work submitted, and a short artist bio (50 words max) in the body of the email.
● All submissions are due no later than midnight Friday, May 22, 2020.
We will be editing and accepting essays on a rolling basis as time is of the essence. If you have a piece ready and polished, submit it sooner rather than later.
● Incomplete submissions will not be considered. If you need an extension, let us know and we will work with you.
● If you have any questions about this project, please contact Amy Roost or Joanell Serra at [email protected] .
We look forward to reviewing your submission!